About Us

Since the olden times, the dastaar, also widely know as turban, has been a symbol of nobility, elegance, and supremacy. Only the kings and nobles would dare adorn the dastaar as a crown upon their heads. But the Sikh Gurus bestowed the dastaar as a gift to the Sikhs to prove show equality, and that the Kings were no higher than a Sikh. When a Sikh wears a dastaar, his/her face can never face the ground but is instead held high towards the limitless sky. When a Sikh wears a dastaar, he/she will be fearless and courageous. When a Sikh wears a dastaar, it is a marker for the world that this is a truthful person who will help anyone in need. So join Guru Gobind Singh Study Circle on October 19, 2024 at 9 AM at Royal Albert Palace, Fords NJ, to celebrate the Sikh Dastaar through a Dastaar Pride & Personality Competition!

Guru Gobind Singh Study Circle is a religious, social, non-profit organization that is dedicated to raising awareness of Sikh values through literature, education, camps, retreats and more for the youth. This organization has been active since 1972, and have their main support center in Ludhiana ( India). GGSSC USA also has contributed to the community in many ways by making Americans aware of the Sikhs by distributing pamphlets, and small books; "Who are the Sikhs?" after the tragedy of 9/11. GGSSC USA had played an active role after this time by holding a candle light ceremony for those innocent people that lost their lives during the attack, located at Central Park. Their dedication does not stop there— Guru Gobind Singh Study Circle has made numerous efforts to help the growth of Sikh youth significantly. For many years, they have been leading camps from which much Sikh youth has developed different skills. These skills include leadership, expression through arts/kirtan, and even self-defense training, Gatka (Sikh Martial Arts). The return of the Dastaar Pride Personality Competition is another opportunity for them to imbue the Sikh Spirit within the youth in an engaging way.